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An Unexpected Disappointment

I got a really big disappointment yesterday.

I should probably start at the beginning so everyone can understand what's happening. In May this year while my friend was here, I developed a cold. Everyone in our family had it. For them, it all went away. But for me, it never went away.

It got better for a little bit, while I was working at a camp in June. When I came back, however, it just got worse. I went to see the doctor and she prescribed a painkiller, a breathing treatment, and steroids. At that point, I had pulled a muscle in my chest from coughing so much and so hard. That's why she gave me the painkiller.

However, as soon as I finished the steroids, the cough came right back. We tried various home rememdies, but nothing helped. Finally we went back and saw a different doctor. This one prescribed anti inflammatories and antihistamines. Soon, I finished the anti inflammatories and the cough didn't go away. So, she told me to continue the antihistamine.

I kept taking it, because if I didn't I would be absolutely miserable. By this time wheezing and trouble breathing in and out had joined the cough.

I didn't want to continue taking the medicine for the rest of my life, so we decided on a different approach. A few years ago, my sister began having absence seizures and was put on seizure medicine. My mom also had a terrible rash that was an indication of leaky gut. They went to a natural doctor and were put on extremely strict diets, given a lot of supplements, and in my sisters's case, given something to detox her body. Both recovered and are doing very well. My sister doesn't take the seizure medicine and hasn't had a seizure since.

We decided a couple weeks ago that I should have an appointment with this doctor's office, albeit with a different doctor. She said what I had sounded like asthma. She told me to avoid gluten, dairy, sugar, and specific oils. She also gave me a lot of supplements and suggested I do ozone therapy.

We decided I would do the therapy, which was four sessions over a period of two weeks. Yesterday was the last day of it. I had previously slowly stopped taking the antihistamine. So when the doctor came in and heard my cough, which she hadn't heard previously since I was on medicine, she ordered a lung x-ray. We had to go to a different place to get the x-ray, so we went and got and came back.

The doctor looked at the x-ray and ordered some blood tests because the x-ray didn't look good. She also ordered a tuberculosis test and a pneumonia test. She didn't think I had tuberculosis, but she just wanted to rule it out. The test results will all be back by the end of the day Sunday.

The treatments for either of these will take at least two weeks of ozone therapy and both natural and traditional antibiotics. My parents and the doctor decided it would be unwise for me to travel in this condition, so they cancelled my ticket and emailed Capernwray.

It was a big disappointment for me to learn that I will not be leaving for Capernwray on Sunday after all.

Fortunately, Capernwray has emailed back just today and told us that even though their cutoff date for late arrivals is October 14, I can have as long as I need to heal my body. I can also listen to the lecture recordings online, since they assign Google Classroom accounts to all their students.

So I will be doing the academic part of Capernwray, although online and not in person for a couple weeks.

Even though I'm terribly disappointed, I've come to terms with the fact that God has a plan in all this and that He's always in control and I have nothing to fear.

Please be praying that my lungs and respiratory system will heal quickly and that I will be able to leave for Capernwray in God's timing.