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Baby Bunnies!!

For those of you who don't already know this, Hazel gave birth to six baby bunnies almost two weeks ago, the day we got back from Korr. Unfortunately, one of them didn't make it, but the others did and now we have five adorable baby bunnies. Apparently, we didn't separate Hazel and Jasper soon enough, and this is the result! These pictures were taken a couple days ago and so much has changed since then! The babies have more fur, some of them have their eyes open and their ears are beginning to stand up.

Photo #1- Blackie

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Photo #2- Blackie

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Photo #3- Brownie

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Photo #4- Brownie

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Photo #5- Pinkie

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Photo #6- Pinkie

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Photo #7- Spottie

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Photo #8- Spottie

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Photo #9- Miffie

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Photo #10- Miffie

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We named them based on their colors, all except for Miffie. Mom wanted to name one Miffie and the one that is now Miffie is also the runt and needed some extra TLC. And if you're wondering about Pinkie, baby rabbits are born without fur and the color of Pinkie's skin was pink. As of yet, we do not know whether these little ones are boys or girls, since it takes a several weeks before you can tell. And let's hope we get it right this time!

I'll try to post about these cuties at least once a week, maybe longer, mostly because Ruby Mae told a friend I'd be posting about them every week!