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Missionary Monstrosities

When you live in Kenya, you're liable to see absolutely anything on the side of the road, good or bad. Here are a few things we see regularly in the road or on the side of the road.


1. Clothes for sale- What better way to advertise your wares than the side of the road, where it's likely nearly thousands of people can see them??

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2. Camels- It's not unusual to see camels walking down the road in the middle of the city.

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3. Broken-down tuk-tuks- And this is not even a crazy sort of broken down. Just yesterday actually, we saw a broken down tuk-tuk on the side of the road. It was tipped way over to the side so some men could work on it. There were bits of tuk-tuk and tools all over the place.

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4. Markets- Roadside markets are quite common. There is a vast range of things being sold here, from fresh eggs to ladies underwear, from school shoes to cooked sausages, from wilty cabbages to books and toys.

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5. People carrying things- the vast majority of Kenyans walk or ride public transportation. It's not uncommon to see multitudes of people crowding the sidewalks and edges of the road during rush hours. People carry many different things, in this circumstance, firewood.

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6. Herds of cows on the side of the road- this is a very common occurence. The cows often block the road and cause traffic jams, even on main highways. And since this is such a common occurance, I'll give you two photos!

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There are many more strange things to see on the side of the road, which makes traveling anywhere quite interesting. There's nearly always something to look at. I hope y'all enjoyed seeing these and please comment below on which one you thought was the most bizarre!