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Photography Friday

· Photos

Once again, I'll be giving photography tips and examples. I hope y'all enjoyed the ones from last time.


Tip #1- Take the photo from a new perspective. Look for ways to get an interesting angle into an otherwise bland photo. By focusing on something new, you can get a whole different photo.

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Tip #2- Use clouds. Every photo does not have to have blue sky. In fact, dark clouds add a new level of texture to your photo. They give it something a normal blue sky would not.

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Tipe #3- Use filters. Sometimes, photos can have too many colors. This was true for the photo below. The colors detracted from the photo itself, so I made it black and white. So if your photo is too colorful and the eye is not drawn to the subject well, then make it black and white.

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Tip #4- Use simplicity. Again, some photos can have too much action in them. Try to make your photos simple, if possible. (By the way, the bird below is not a bald eagle, it is an African fish eagle!)

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Tip #5- Be patient. Don't get in a hurry to get your photos and move on. Often, you might think you have great photos and you're ready to be done. But I've found that lingering a little longer can get you some awesome photos. Take the photo below for example. The sun had already gone down, and if I had packed up, then I would have missed this cool shot. The sun is already down over the horizon, but it is giving off magnicent colors.

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I hope these tips will help y'all! Thank you for reading this post!