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The Sunshine Blogger Award

I was recently nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award, an award that is passed around to bloggers for those who are encouraging to others. The definition of such that I found on Google states, "The Sunshine Blogger Award is peer recognition to bloggers who bring positivity, joy, and creative content to the blogging world."

I was nominated by Jo at the Not Dismayed Blog. There are a few rules that you have to follow for this nomination.

  • Display the award's official logo somewhere on your blog.
broken image
  • Thank the person who nominated you.

Thank you Jo! I'm thankful for this nomination you've given and I'm glad that my blog has encouraged you.

  • Provide a link to your nominator's blog.
  • Answer your nominator's questions.
  • Nominate up to 11 bloggers.
  • Ask your nominees 11 questions.
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on at least one of their blog posts.



Ok, here are Jo's questions that I'm supposed to answer.


1. If you could live in any time period and in any place, when and where would you live and why?

Hmm. This is a hard one for me. I think I'd go way back to the first or second century, to the time of the early church in the Middle East. I've always been curious to know what they went through and the fellowship they had with other believers.


2. Who is your favorite author and what's your favorite book they've written?

I have so many favorite authors and favorite books. I think probably Laura Frantz and her book, The Rose and the Thistle, or Darlene Deibler Rose and her book, Evidence Not Seen.


3. What's the best season (in your opinion) and what makes it so great?

I'd have to say I like the fall season because Kenya doesn't have a fall season. Whenever our family is in America and gets to experience that season, I really enjoy all the pumpkin, apple, and cinnamon flavored things that we don't have here.


4. What's something you are looking forward to?

I'm looking forward to being finished with all the treatments for my bacterial pneumonia and being able to attend Capernwray in person.


5. Do you have a favorite podcast?

I know that podcasts are really popular right now, but I've never gotten into listening to them, so no, I don't.


6. What's something that evokes a sense of nostalgia for you?

A sense of nostalgia. That's a bit of a hard one. I think sorting through my things from my childhood every time we return to the U.S. does that. The smells of certain spices bring back memories as well.


7. If you had a playlist entitled "Get Stuff Done" what three songs might appear on it? In other words, what songs motivate your productivity?

Ohh. I really don't know for this one! Fast classical songs have this effect on me, but not any in particular.


8. What is your comfort food?

My comfort food. Hmm. That's a bit of a hard one since my family eats so many different types of food and I enjoy them all. I think it would probably have to be enchiladas, the way my mom makes them.


9. What is your favorite blog post you've written?

I've never really thought about my favorite post! I had to go back and look at all the post I've written over the past year and a half my blog has been up. I found four that I'd say are probably my favorites. They are He Lived to Die, God's Plans vs. Our Plans, Seek More Earnestly: When God Seems Distant, and Living in the Now: Being Content.


10. Where is the best place in the world you've visited?

Oh, that's a really hard one. I have a lot of best places I've visited! Here are the ones at the top of the list: the Maasai Mara, here in Kenya; the Ark, in Kentucky; Capernwray Hall, in Northern England; Westminster Abbey, in London; and all the castles we visited in Jordan.


11. What is your favorite holiday and why do you love it?

That's easy! Christmas! I like Christmas because it's the time of year we get to celebrate Christ's birth in this world. I also enjoy it because I really like finding the perfect gifts for people.



Alright, the bloggers I'd like to nominate are

Ruby Mae at Ruby Mae's Recipes

Lilyana at Canada Lily

Brittney Brianne at This Reader's Thoughts

Samuel James at Writing, Life, Faith




And these are my questions.

1. If you could pick anywhere it the world to go and the trip cost you nothing, where would you go?

2. What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

3. What book have you read and reread the most?

4. What is your favorite quote and why?

5. If you could make one change to the world, what would it be?

6. What is the hardest book you've ever read?

7. What is your favorite Bible verse and what does it mean to you?

8. What is the most fascinating book you have ever read?

9. What is one of your favorite things to do when you have free time?

10. What is one circumstance when you felt that God's hand leading you?

11. If you died today what is one thing you would regret not doing the most?