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Missionary Monstrosities

· Photos

Hello all!! I'm sure you're all wondering what some of the things missionaries do and see happen to be. I'll be sharing missionary Mondays every now and then, when I find something interesting to post about. So today, I'm sharing some crazy photos of what people use their motorcycles for. In Swahili, motorcycles are called pikipikis. However, when they're carrying something, whether it's people or a delivery, the motorcycles are called bodabodas. Funny words, huh?!

Anyway, here are some pictures of them. These are not my pictures, by the way. They've mostly been taken by my parents.


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As you can see, this motorcycle is being well-used! It appears that this man is taking his wife and two children somewhere on the only vehicle he owns. This is quite a common appearance in Kenya; it is not uncommon to see three or four people squished onto one of these little motorcycles!



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When you don't have a car or a truck, you make a motorcycle work! The motorcycle can hardly be seen under all these empty water bottles.



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Once again, here in Kenya a motorcycle is capable of carrying anything!


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Even a couch!! If you look closely, you can see the guy sitting on the couch while it's on the motorcycle.


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Here, I think there is a motorcyle underneath all this stuff, but I'm not exactly sure!


I hope y'all enjoyed this brief look into part of our lives. I'm sure these pictures are probably pretty shocking and humorous to you!!

Have a blessed day!