• My Writings

    Stories, devotionals, and anything else I've written

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    Seek More Earnestly...

    If we want God to be near to us, we have to come near Him... Because it's when we stay close to Him that He stays close to us.

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    The Glad Game Vs. Joy...

    So instead of having joy only when there's something to be joyful about, we should be joyful in every circumstanstance, whether...

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    In Life, We Are Free

    In life, He loved,

    In death, He gave,

    In resurrection He saved...

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    Missions to Unreached...

    Will you obey, following His lead into the mission field or will you wait for another? When He says, "Whom shall I send, and...

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    He Lived to Die

    Have you ever realized that Jesus came to this earth knowing from the moment He left heaven that He would have to die an...

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    Does God Truly Care?

    Tragedies are often misunderstood to be caused by an unfeeling God or that God doesn't truly care about His people.

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    A Leap Taken

    Grace screeched to a halt, her heart thumping like a small boy playing a drum. "Aieee! You scared me!"

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    Doers of the Word

    Being a Christian doesn't mean just hearing the Word, it means doing the Word. Without the doing, there is no being.

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    This Is My Story...

    Why does it have to be this way? Why can't God send rain? We all know that people and livestock are dying from...

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    He Is No Fool

    So like Jim Elliot, we should be able to say we can give up what we cannot keep, the treasures...

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    Fight the Good Fight

    So live your life like you're fighting a war. Live it like you have a purpose, a meaning.

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    Faith Vs. Hope

    The more a person thinks about these two words, the more they can appear to be different.

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    From Sorrows Deep

    I was sure I had never heard a silence so silent before. Everything, everyone, even Lydia, was absolutely still.

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    Forgotten Love

    "I don't understand," Andi finally whispered, "Why would Aunt Rebecca leave her journal to me?"

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    Sojourners in this World

    Now, you may be thinking, "I've lived in the same house in the same town in the same country all my life. How can I be a...